Join us at 8:00 PM Eastern Time on the First Wednesday of Each Month:

Online Meeting Group
Event :: Wednesday June 5th 2024

June 2024 OMG Meeting

Building Science of Balconies
- Lessons Learned From Berkeley


Building Science of Balconies

Lessons Learned From Berkeley
by Skip Walker

ICC Preferred Provider
Course #16342

In 2015 a nine-year-old balcony collapsed killing 6 and seriously injuriing seven more. How could humid air rising through the building promote enough wood rot to compromise a structure this significantly this fast? That is the question we will be discussing on Wednesday June 5, 2024. 

Date And Time
06/05/2024 08:00 pm


Skip Walker lives in the SF Bay Area and has performed over 3,500 paid inspections since 2003. Skip is both a CREIA Master Inspector (MCI) and an ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI). He is an ICC Certified Residential Combination Building Inspector and a F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector. Skip is the past education chair for the Silicon Valley ASHI/CREIA Chapter, past SV ASHI Chapter president, CREIA State Secretary, 2011 and the CREIA Region Three Director 2009- Current. He has presented a number of times at both CREIA and ASHI chapters and educational events and has represented the Home Inspection profession at both the CAR and NAR conferences. Skip has also written around 19 articles and also holds a California Real Estate Appraisal Trainee License.
